March 13 2023 – Ben Fuchs
Bioactive Blood Sugar Helpers
Diabetics take note! If you’re interested in lowering your glucose without medication or pharmaceutical insulin, both of which come potential negative or adverse reactions, there are some really interesting botanical anti-glycemic, i.e., blood sugar stabilizing herbs and plants that help reduce blood sugar natural and without toxicity.
Cinnamon is one of the most bioactive anti-glycemics, witch hazel, green and black tea are also effective and so is allspice, bay leaves, nutmeg, cloves, fenugreek, mushrooms, and brewer's yeast. Korean ginseng, flaxseed meal, and basil have also been reported to be effective antidiabetic agents.
And keeping blood sugar stable is not only important for diabetics, healthy folks can also benefit from using these plants in teas or capsules on a regular basis. Blood sugar lowering strategies are anti-inflammatory, important for heart health, weight loss, clear, youthful skin and can help extend longevity too.